Roles and permissions overview
Log in to add to favouritesPermissions to create and manage a Contensis resource are determined by user being assigned to a role or a member of a system group.
System group permissions
The following system groups give global permission for the resource across all projects in a Contensis instance. They are outlined below, and in more detail in our Contensis system groups article.
- System Administrators
- API Key Administrators
- Site View Administrators
- Roles Administrators
- User Administrators
Roles based permissions
Roles are a way of granting groups of users in your organisation permission to perform certain actions on specific resources of a project. This enables you to separate the duties within your team and provide users with exactly the amount of access that they need to do their job.
If a user is a member of multiple projects, they can have different roles for each project.
Supported resources
The permissions for the following resources can be assigned at the project level using the roles builder.
- Assets
- Blocks
- Comments
- Content types
- Components
- Entries
- Fields
- Tabs
- Event streams
- Forms
- Form responses
- Proxies
- Redirects
- Renderers
- Site View
- Views
- Webhooks