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Set user permissions

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All users of Contensis need to have permissions to view part or all of the system files such as pages, images or documents. There are different types of permissions that can be set for each user.

Administration permissions

These permissions allow a user to perform administrative actions in a specific folder or a whole project, such as assigning templates and content types.

Content permissions

Content permissions allow users to create, edit, delete, approve or view pieces of content. These can be set for either users or whole user groups. Again these are set for specific folders or the project as a whole. Users will only be able to create, edit, delete or approve content inside of the folders you have given them permission for.

Template permissions

These permissions allow users to create, edit, delete, or approve a content type within a specific folder or a complete project. Template permissions give control over who can access the different types of pages based on these templates.

For example: users won't be able to view or edit pages within a specific folder unless they are given view permissions and edit permissions for the templates assigned to that folder.

Set folder permissions

  1. First make sure that the required group/s have been added to the Project.
  2. Open up the Project Explorer and select your Project. The Project Explorer will now display the folder structure.
  3. Press on a folder and select Properties. The Folder Properties screen will open and the Folder Permissions will be displayed. Here you will see a list of user groups and the permissions, they can be assigned to the right of the screen.
  4. Select / deselect as many options as needed for each user group. The settings are updated automatically.

Permissions that can be set


This allows a user access to the folder permissions screen and set other folder permissions. Different groups can be set as folder administrators for different folders. The system administrator group has this access on all folders.


This will allow users to see the folder in the Project Explorer. This is required if the user is to have any other permission.


This allows the user to create pieces of content within the folder specified.


The delete permission lets a user delete folders from the folder.


This gives users the ability to rename files within the folder.

Manage Menu

This permission is used so that users can reorder the files and exclude items from the menu.

Set content permissions

(Following on from the steps above)

  1. Click on the Content Types tab. You will see a list of content types within that folder.
  2. Click on the Edit icon in the Permissions column for the content type. The Content Type table will appear, showing you the current permissions set for that content type within that folder.
  3. From this table you can add or remove User groups and set granular permissions using the checkboxes for each permission or Enable All.

Set template permissions

(Following on from the steps above)

  1. Click on the Templates tab. You will see a list of templates within that folder.
  2. Click on the Edit icon located in the Permissions column for the template. The Templates User Group Permissions table will appear showing you the current permissions set on the template.
  3. From this table you can add or remove User groups and set granular permissions using the checkboxes for each permission or Enable All.

System administrators can also assign CSS files against templates from this screen.

Propagate changes

Once you have finished setting the permissions for a folder, you can propagate the changes through to all subfolders. This is accessed through the Folder Permissions screen, there are two options when propagating:

  1. Limited propagation: changes will only be applied to folders where the item you are propagating exists.
  2. Full propagation: changes will be propagated to all subfolders. Where a subfolder doesn't have the item assigned it will be assigned as part of the propagation.

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