An asset is an extension of an entry, with pre-defined fields and additional properties containing details about the file they represent. An asset is an entry with a dataFormat value equal to asset, which allows them to be identified and queried independently to entries.
All assets have the following standard entry fields:
Name | Type | Description |
Title | string | The title of the asset |
keywords | IList<string> | An array of keyword assigned to the asset |
thumbnail | Asset | The thumbnail link for the asset |
Properties | PropertiesDictionary | A readonly collection of asset specific fields |
In addition to the standard data fields, images have the following.
Name | Type | Description |
altText | string | The default alt text defined for the image resource |
All assets have the following default readonly properties.
Name | Type | Description |
Filename | string | The name of the actual file, with extension included |
FileSize | long | The file size in bytes |
Extension | string | The file extension |
[fieldName] | object | An indexed accessor to extended properties which are not exposed as typed properties |
These are properties that are specific to a content type.
Name | Type | Description |
Width | integer | The width of the image |
Height | integer | The height of the image |
User-defined metadata set against assets in the Contensis navigation tree are available as values in the Metadata field, which is a child of the sys object. The items are keyed by their source metadata name converted to an api identifer, which removes any non-alphanumeric values and formats the value with camel-casing, e.g. Original.Url becomes originalUrl.
All user-defined metadata values are converted to strings Datetime values are rendered with the day, month and year parts in reverse order to allow ordering and greater than / less than conditions, e.g. "29-08-1978T03:40:27"
becomes "1978-08-29T03:40:27"
In addition to the user-defined metadata, there are the following additional items that are included by default for each asset.
Name | Type | Format | Description |
includeInSearch | boolean | A flag to determine whether the asset should be included in searches | |
includeInAtoZ | boolean | A flag to determine whether the asset should be included in the A-Z control | |
includeInMenu | boolean | A flag to determine whether the asset should be included in navigation controls | |
includeInSitemap | boolean | A flag to determine whether the asset should be included in the sitemap | |
nodeId | number | integer | The node id of the asset (Contensis Web API) |