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ZenQL search – operators

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An operator in ZenQL is one or more symbols or words which compares the value of a field on its left with one or more values or functions to its right. Only true results are retrieved by the query.

Predicate operators

Equal to: =

All entries of the content type plant.

sys.contentTypeId = plant

All entries where the description field is empty.

description = NULL

Not equal to: !=

The exclamation mark before the equals sign can be used to negate the result of an equal to operator. This example will show all entries that are not from the plant content type.

sys.contentTypeId != plant

All entries where the description field is not empty (i.e. the field exists and is not null, which for text data would include having an empty string).

description != NULL

Contains: ~

Search for all entries with a field called description containing the phrase fern. This operator only searches the first 8,000 characters of the field. To search efficiently for complete words across the whole field, use the FREETEXT operator.

description ~ fern

Does not contain: !~

Search for all entries with a field called description that does not contain the phrase fern. This operator only searches the first 8,000 characters of the field. To search efficiently for complete words across the whole field use the FREETEXT operator.

description !~ fern

Greater than: >

All entries where the field height is greater than 100.

height > 100

Less than: <

All entries where the field height is less than 100.

height < 100

Greater than or equal to: >=

All entries with a height of 100 or greater.

height >= 100

Less than or equal to: <=

All entries with a height of 100 or less.

height <= 100


All entries that have a plantType value from the list, either palm or cacti or ferns. e.g. Show me all plants that are palms, cacti or ferns.

plantType IN (palm, cacti, ferns)


All entries that do not have a plantType value from the list, either palm or cacti or ferns. For example, Show me all plants that are not palms, cacti or ferns.

plantType NOT IN (palm, cacti, ferns)


All entries that have a latinName field.

latinName EXISTS


All entries that do not have a latinName field.

latinName NOT EXISTS


All entries with a title value that begins with the case-insensitive string Chine.

title STARTSWITH Chine


All entries with a title value that does not start with the case-insensitive string Chine.



All entries with a title value that ends with the case-insensitive string s.

title ENDSWITH s


All entries with a title value that does not end with the case-insensitive string s.



DistanceWithin provides a proximity search based on a latitude and longitude. All entries with a plantOrigin lat-lon value within a 100km radius of the stated coordinates.

plantOrigin DistanceWithin(25.1363888,97.3733773, 100km)

NOT DistanceWithin

DistanceWithin provides a proximity search based on a latitude and longitude. All entries with a plantOrigin lat-lon value outside of a 100km radius of the stated coordinates.

plantOrigin NOT DistanceWithin(25.1363888,97.3733773, 100km)


All entries with a description field containing both words your and home.

description FREETEXT “your home”

* FREETEXT: Any field containing the string

All entries with any field containing the string interior.

* FREETEXT interior

* FREETEXT: Any field containing multiple specified words

All entries with any field containing both words your and home.

* FREETEXT “your home”

FREETEXT with title field boosted

All entries with the word Boston, but bring entries with Boston in their title higher in the search results by boosting the title field.

title^80 FREETEXT “Boston”


All entries where the description field does not contain the words your home.

description NOT FREETEXT “your home”

Operator API support

OperatorEntriesUsers & Groups
Equal to
Not Equal to
Does not contain
Greater than
Less Than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Not in
Not exists-
Starts with
Not starts with
Distance proximity-
Outside distance proximity-
Not freetext

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