Validation overview
Log in to add to favouritesNo system can completely prevent human error when entering content, but field validations help minimise them.
Validations are rules that ensure data accuracy by checking if entered content meets predefined conditions. These rules can be applied to content type fields, prompting authors to enter valid content.
Contensis offers built-in validation rules based on each field type, along with the option to create custom rules. Applying validations ensures consistency and aligns content with organisational requirements.
Since different fields store different data types, the available validation options vary. The table below outlines the supported validation methods for each field type.
Validation | Supported fields |
Required | Text, Markup, quote, number, location, list, taxonomy, composer, date/time, asset, entry, image |
Number of characters | Text |
Matches pattern | Text |
Number | Number, decimal |
Item count | Repeatable fields – text, Markup, quote, number, location, date/time, components Arrays – list, taxonomy, asset, entry, image |