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Detach an entry from a node

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If you no longer want a particular entry to be available at a specific URL or would like to add an alternative entry to a node, you can detach the existing entry. You'll need to be a member of a role with Manage entries permission with an appropriate scope to detach entries from a node.

  1. Select Site View from the sidebar to manage your site structure and content.
  2. With Site View open, use the tree to navigate to the node where you want to remove the entry from your site.
  3. Right-click or select the Actions option indicated by the triple dot icon, to open the node context menu
  4. Select Detach entry from the menu that is displayed. A confirmation window will be displayed.
  5. Enter the entry title into the confirmation window to detach the entry.
  6. Once you've entered the entry title (indicated in bold text) into the confirmation text box, you can press the I understand, detach the entry button to confirm.
  7. After you've confirmed the action, the icon will be updated in the tree to an empty node icon. You can now attach a new entry or delete the node.

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