Unpublish an entry
Log in to add to favouritesUnpublishing an entry removes it from your website or application until it is republished. You'll need to be a member of a role with the unpublish permission to be able to unpublish content. You'll always be prompted to confirm the unpublish action.
Unpublish an entry from the editor
- Press the Entries button in the sidebar to open the Entries listing screen.
- Locate the entry you want to unpublish, either by scrolling through the listing or by using the search.
- Press Edit to open the entry. The Entry editor will be displayed.
- Press the Actions button indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
- Select Unpublish in the menu. An Unpublish entry confirmation window will appear.
- Press the Unpublish button to confirm. The entry will be removed from any site or application that was using the entry and a confirmation notification will be displayed.
Unpublish an entry from the listing
- Press the Entries button in the sidebar to open the Entries listing screen.
- Locate the entry you want to unpublish, either by scrolling through the listing or by using the search.
- Select the Actions button in the listing indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
- Press Unpublish in the dropdown menu. An Unpublish entry confirmation window will appear.
- Press the Unpublish button to confirm. The entry will be removed from any site or application that was using the entry and a confirmation notification will be displayed.
Note: The wording of the unpublish confirmation window may vary depending on your permissions, and whether the entry has language translations. Follow the on screen prompts to confirm your unpublish action.