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An Entry is a piece of content that has been created from a content type. You can create unlimited entries for a content type.

  1. Press the Entries button in the sidebar to open the Entries listing screen.
  2. Press the New entry button. A list of content types based on your permissions will be displayed.
  3. Select the content type from the list that you want to create a new entry from. You can use the filter bar to reduce the number of content types shown in the list. The Entry editor screen will be displayed.
  4. The fields in the Entry editor can now be populated. Press Save between any changes that have been made. The minor version will increment upon each save. Take a look at our entry versioning article for details of how entries are versioned.
  5. When you have finished creating your entry, you can either Submit your content for approval or Publish the content, depending on the workflow type assigned to the content type.

Favourite content types

If you find yourself regularly creating entries of the same content type, you may find it helpful to favourite them. Favourites are displayed at the top of the listing, reducing the need to scroll or search for a specific type.

Add to favourites

With the content type listing open, press the unfilled star button on the content type. The content type will be added to your favourites and raised to the top of the listing.

Remove from favourites

With the content type listing open, press the filled star button on the content type. The content type will be removed from your favourites and returned to the main listing.

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