ZenQL search – ordering
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Order a list of results by a field of the data returned – supports text, numbers and dates.
- Order plants by their title.
sys.contentTypeId = plants ORDER BY entryTitle
- Order plants by their title in alphabetical order, then by their price in descending order highest price to lowest.
sys.contentTypeId = plants ORDER BY entryTitle asc, price desc
Ascending order: ASC
Order the list of results in ascending order.
- Order plants by their title (A-Z).
sys.contentTypeId = plants ORDER BY entryTitle asc
- Order plants by their price, lowest to highest.
sys.contentTypeId = plants ORDER BY price asc
Descending order: DESC
Order the list of results in descending order.
- Order plants by their title (Z-A).
sys.contentTypeId = plants ORDER BY entryTitle desc
- Order pots by their height, tallest to shortest.
sys.contentTypeId = pots ORDER BY height desc