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Content type workflow states

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Once created, content types will always have one of the following workflow states: Draft, Awaiting publish or Published.


When a content type is created it will be in the Draft state until it has been published for the first time and will be highlighted in blue.

Another indication that the item is in draft is that it has no major version in its version number, for example 0.6.

Awaiting publish

When a content type has been published at least once, and had further changes saved to it, the content type will be Awaiting publish until it is published. It's effectively published and has a new draft state. Content types that are Awaiting publish will be highlighted in yellow.

Another indication that the item is Awaiting publish is that it will have major and minor version numbers, for example 1.6.


When a content type is published and has had no further changes made to it, the content type status will be Published and the highlight will be green.

Another indication that the item is in the Published state is that it only has a major number in its version number, for example 2.0.

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