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Find out where a component is being used

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It's sometimes helpful to understand where a component is used in content types and entries as well as other components. You can find out where a component is used by using either of the following paths.

Understand usage from the component listing

The number of content types in which a component is in use is indicated in the component listing.

The usage panel in the component builder

When a component is opened for editing, a usage pane can be seen in the right-hand panel. It is broken down into two parts:

Content types

When a component is used in a content type, a list of content types and the number of entries that are currently using the component are displayed. Pressing on the content type in the list will open the content type for editing.


It's also helpful to understand when a component is used by another component. Any changes you make to the component you are viewing will impact a parent component. Pressing on the component in the list will open the component for editing.

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