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If you no longer require a particular webhook then you can delete it from the editor or the listing. Follow our guide to disable a webhook if you only want to stop a webhook from sending messages temporarily.

To delete a webhook you'll need to be a member of a role with a delete permission.

Delete a webhook from the listing

  • From the Webhook listing screen locate the webhook you want to delete and press the Actions button indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
  • Select Delete from the menu. A confirmation window will be displayed.
  • Upon confirming the deletion a notification will be displayed, informing you that the delete action has been completed.

Delete a webhook from the editor

  • With the webhook opened for editing, press the Actions button indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
  • Select Delete from the menu. A confirmation window will be displayed.
  • Upon confirming the deletion a notification will be displayed, informing you that the delete action has been completed and you'll be returned to the Webhook listing screen.

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