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Site View Permissions

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Site View Permissions can be configured by any System Administrator or Roles Administrator in Contensis. There is also a security group called Site View Administrators that grants members the ability manage any node in the Site View tree without them needing to be assigned to a role.

This article outlines the available properties and some example role scenarios.

The following properties can be set when adding a Site View permission to a role:


The location property determines the starting Site View location where permissions are to be set.


The scope property determines the node or nodes to which the permission set applies. They are broken down in to the following scopes:

Selected node and descendantsThe permission set is applied to the selected node, determined by the location property and any descendant within that node. For example, the /about-us/ node and its descendants /about-us/values and /about-us/our-company.
Selected nodeThe permission set is applied to the selected node only and has no effect on any child or descendant nodes. For example, only the /about-us/ node.
DescendantsThe permission set only applies to descendants of the selected node. For example, nodes inside the /about-us/ section such as /about-us/values and /about-us/our-company, but not /about-us/ itself.


Create nodeThe ability to create a child node.
Update nodeThe ability to update the properties of a node, including the Display name, Slug and Include in menu properties.
Delete nodeThe ability to delete a node.
Move nodeThe ability to move a node to a new location. When moving a node, a user will also need permission to create nodes in the destination the node is being moved to.
Update rendererThe ability to change the renderer attached to a node.
Update proxyThe ability to change or attach a proxy to a node through the proxy editor.
Manage child orderThe ability to change the order of nodes within a section of the Site View tree. This normally applies to the descendants of a selected node.
Manage entriesThe ability to add, attach, detach or replace entries on a node within the Site View tree. Either all content types or a specific set of content types need to be assigned to the manage entry permission to control what content can be placed on a node.

Example 1: Create and manage plants in /products/plant/

As a system administrator, I want my product editors to only create new plants inside /products/plant/.


Example 1: Entry permissions
ActionsContent type
All actionsPlant

Site View

Example 1: Site View permissions
products/plant/Selected nodeCreate
products/plant/DescendantsUpdate nodes, Manage entries of the Plant content type

Example 2: Create content or landing pages in the about section

As a system administrator, I want my marketing team to be able to create landing pages and content pages in the /about/ section.


Example 2: Entry permissions
ActionsContent type
All actionsContent page
All actionsLanding page

Site View

Example 2: Site View permissions
/about/Selected nodeCreate
/about/Descendants onlyUpdate node, Manage entries of Content page and Landing page content types

Example 3: Update or replace homepage

As a system administrator, I want my marketing team to be able to update the existing homepage or replace the existing homepage for our site.


Example 3: Entry permissions
ActionsContent type
Update node, Submit / RevokeHomepage

Site View

Example 3: Site View permissions
/Selected nodeManage entries of the Homepage content type

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