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Occasionally, you may need to delete nodes in your site structure. Deleting nodes fit into two categories – child nodes, sometimes called leaf nodes, and parent nodes containing children. The process is similar for both types, but deleting either will impact your site differently.
To delete a node, you need to be a part of a role with Delete node permission or a Site View Administrator's security group member.

Delete a child node

  1. With Site View open, use the tree to navigate to the node you want to delete.
  2. Right click on the node and select the Action button, indicated by a triple dot icon for the node in the tree or listing, to open the node context menu.
  3. Select Delete node from the menu. You'll be prompted with a confirmation modal.
  4. Confirm the deletion by pressing Delete.
  5. The node will be deleted, and the window will be closed with the parent node now selected in the tree.

Delete a node and its children

  1. With Site View open, use the tree to navigate to the parent node you'd like to delete.
  2. Right click on the node and select the Action button, indicated by a triple dot icon for the node in the tree or listing, to open the node context menu.
  3. Select Delete node from the menu. You'll be prompted with a type-to-confirm window.
  4. To confirm deletion you will need to enter the slug of the node in the text box. This will enable the delete confirmation button.
  5. Confirm the deletion by pressing Delete.
  6. The window will be closed and the node and its children will be deleted. Any entries that were attached to the nodes will still be available in the entry listing, deleting the nodes has no effect on the entry content.

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