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Schedule an entry to be published/unpublished

Entries can be set to be automatically published or unpublished at a specified date and time by using the scheduling panel in the entry editor.

To set a schedule

  1. With an entry opened for editing, press the Schedules button in the editor toolbar and the scheduling panel will be opened.
  2. Press the Set schedule button in the panel and a window will be opened to set the date and time when the entry should be scheduled.
  3. Press the Schedule button to set the schedule. A confirmation notification will be shown and the schedule information will be summarised in the schedules panel.
  4. You can continue to edit your entry and proceed to the next stage in your content workflow, either by pressing the Schedule button in the top toolbar if you are using the Basic workflow or Send for approval if you are using the approval workflow.

View scheduled content

Once content has a publish or unpublish schedule set, you can view entries with a schedule from the entries listing.

Due for publishing workflow state

An entry can only be automatically published once it's reached the Due for publishing workflow state.

Schedules in basic workflow

In the Contensis basic workflow, once the entry schedule has been set and an author presses the Schedule button, the entry moves from Draft to the Due for publishing workflow state.

Schedules in approval workflow

In the approval workflow a publish schedule can be set, but it will only move into the Due for publishing workflow state once the entry has been approved. This prevents content from being inadvertently published.

Locate entries that will be published automatically

You can view all entries that have reached the Due for publishing workflow state by placing a check in the Due to be published checkbox in the entries search panel.

Scheduling filters

Publish schedule

To locate entries that have a publish schedule set, use the Publish schedule filter in the entries listing. This will show all entries that have a publish schedule date in the future. These entries will not be automatically published until they reach the Due for publishing workflow state.

Missed publishing schedule

Entries can miss their publishing schedule when the entry is in the approval workflow and isn't approved in time. In this situation the schedule is marked as Missed publishing schedule and can be seen in the listing by checking the Missed publishing schedule checkbox.

Unpublish schedule

To locate entries that have a unpublish schedule set, use the Unpublish schedule filter in the entries listing. This will show all entries that have a unpublish schedule in the future.

Update an entry schedule

If you want to update the date or time for a scheduled entry, you can make a change to the schedule by taking the following steps:

To update a schedule

  1. With an entry opened for editing, press the Schedules button in the editor toolbar. The scheduling panel will open.
  2. Press the Update schedule button in the panel. A window will open to update the date and time that the entry should be scheduled to publish or unpublish.
  3. Press the Update button to set the schedule. A confirmation notification will be shown and the schedule information will be summarised in the schedules panel.
  4. You can continue to edit your entry and proceed to the next stage in your content workflow, either by pressing the Schedule button in the top toolbar if you are using the basic workflow, or Send for approval if you are using the approval workflow.

Cancel an entry schedule

If you no longer want an entry to be scheduled to be published or unpublished automatically, you can remove the schedule from the entry.

To cancel a schedule

  1. With an entry opened for editing, press the Schedules button in the editor toolbar. The scheduling panel will be opened.
  2. Press the Cancel schedule button in the panel for the schedule you want to cancel. A confirmation window will be displayed to confirm the action.
  3. Confirm the cancellation by pressing the Cancel schedule button.
  4. The schedule will be cleared for the specific action and the panel updated to reflect your change.

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