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Invoking workflow for an entry using the event name and event data

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Workflow events can be invoked for a specific entry by passing the event name and the event data.

invokeWorkflow(entry: Entry, event: string, data?: any): Promise<Entry>


Name Type Format Description
entry object Entry The entry object.
event string The event type, as described at Workflow
data? object The optional event data.


A Promise that will resolve with an Entry object.


client.entries.invokeWorkflow(existingEntry, 'draft.publish')
  .then(result => {      
    console.log('API call result: ', result);              
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('API call fetch error: ', error);      

Workflow events can be invoked for a specific entry by passing a workflow trigger object. This method allows more flexibility than invokeWorkflow as you can omit the language and the version number if not required. You should use this method when you need to unpublish an entry, like in the example below.

invokeWorkflowByTrigger(entry: Entry, workflowTrigger: WorkflowTrigger): Promise<Entry>


Name Type Format Description
entry object Entry The entry object.
workflowTrigger object WorkflowTrigger The workflow trigger object type.


A Promise that will resolve with an Entry object.


   client.entries.invokeWorkflowByTrigger(existingEntry, {
    event: 'sysUnpublish',
    language: 'en-GB'
  .then(result => {      
    console.log('API call result: ', result);              
  .catch(error => {
    console.log('API call fetch error: ', error);      

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