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Get the child groups of a group

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NameParameter typeTypeFormatDescription
groupIdentifier(required)pathstringgroup identifier For convenience, Group resources can be referenced by using either the group name or id
orderquerystring-A comma-separated list of the field Ids to order the results by. Prefix field Id with - for descending order.
pageIndexquerynumberintegerThe index of the page.
pageSizequerynumberintegerThe number of results per page. The default is 25.
includeInheritedqueryboolean-Set to true in order to return the direct child groups and ALL the descendant groups
zenqlquerystring-ZenQL query to select the groups returned in the listing
excludedGroupsquerystring-A comma-separated list of group identifiers such as Guid ids or names whose children will be excluded from the returned values
includeSelfqueryboolean-Whether to include the group for which children are being requested in the returned groups


HTTP status codeReasonModel
404Group not foundError
500Internal server errorError


Get child groups for a group by Id

GET: /api/security/groups/82f73a9b-2a13-4d63-bcc1-e8ee5047b01c/groups

Get child groups for a group by name

GET: /api/security/groups/Paper%20Street%20Soap%20Company/groups

Get the first page of child groups and ALL descendant groups for a group, with page sizes of 10

GET: /api/security/groups/Paper%20Street%20Soap%20Company/groups?pageIndex=0&pageSize=10&includeInherited=true

Get the first page of child groups and ALL descendant groups for a group, including the parent group, but only if they were created in the last seven days and excluding certain groups

GET: /api/security/groups/Paper%20Street%20Soap%20Company/groups?includeInherited=true&zenQL=created>now(-7)&excludedGroups=0617b0ac-4dda-4279-b070-5930511c86e0,37394083-ff04-4ecb-b8ac-1f6e7a26c875&includeSelf=true



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