Workflow event
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Name | Type | Format | Description |
id | string | - | An identifier for the event, which must be unique within the workflow state. |
name | object | localized value | The friendly name given to the event. |
description | object | localized value | A description of the event. |
auditText | object | localized value | The audit text written to the event history log for the event. |
transitionTo | string | - | The identifier for the state that the event causes the entry to transition to. If this is not specified or set to *null* then the entry will remain in the same state when this event is triggered. |
groupId | string | - | The identifier of the workflow [event group](event-group) which the event belongs to. |
color | string | - | The color to be displayed in the Contensis UI for the event. |
uiAction | string | - | The event to be performed by the Contensis UI when an entry exits the workflow state. Currently on the value "navigateToEntryListing" is supported. The default is for no action to occur. |
parameters | object[...] | - | A list of parameters for the event. |
validate | boolean | field | Specifies if validation should occur when an author invokes this event |