Creating assets
Log in to add to favouritesCreating a new asset can be achieved by using one of the NewAsset
method overloads. Updating an asset's file can be achieved using one the of the SetFile methods overloads of an entry. It is not possible to have a file upload larger than 2GB, though depending on your connection speed to the CMS, your upload may time out before reaching that limit.
The language of the asset will be determined by the language of the target folder in Contensis.
NewAsset with local file path
Creates a new asset from a file on the local file system.
public Entry NewAsset(string localFilePath, string parentNodePath, string filename = null)
Type: string
The absolute path to the file.
Type: string
The path to the parent node where the asset should be created as a child.
Type: string
An optional parameter that allows the filename of the asset to be specified, overriding the name of the local file.
If no filename parameter is specified, then the name of the local file is used.
Throws an FileNotFoundException if the specified local file does not exist.
Throws an ArgumentException if the parentNodePath is not specified.
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management;
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management.Workflow.Basic;
// Create a client
var client = ManagementClient.Create();
// Retrieve the relevant project
var movieDbProject = client.Projects.Get("moviedb");
// Create a new image asset
var movieImage = movieDbProject.Entries.NewAsset(@"c:\images\movies\batman.jpg",
@"\uploads\movie-posters", "Batman-returns.jpg");
// Set field data
movieImage.Set("title", "Batman Returns");
// Make the content live
NewAsset with stream
Creates a new asset from a stream. Requires a valid filename with extension to be able to identify the asset type.
public Entry NewAsset(Stream fileStream, string parentNodePath, string filename)
Type: Stream
The stream containing the file bytes.
Type: string
The path to the parent node where the asset should be created as a child.
Type: string
The filename of the asset including the file extension.
Throws an ArgumentException if the stream is null or empty.
Throws an ArgumentException if the parentNodePath is not specified.
Throws an ArgumentException if the filename is null, empty or does not include a file extension.
using System.Net.Http;
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management;
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management.Workflow.Basic;
// Create a client
var client = ManagementClient.Create();
// Retrieve the relevant project
var movieDbProject = client.Projects.Get("moviedb");
// Get a file stream by downloading an image from a URL
var stream = await new HttpClient()
// Create a new image asset
var movieImage = movieDbProject.Entries.NewAsset(stream,
@"\uploads\movie-posters", "Batman-returns.jpg");
// Set field data
movieImage.Set("title", "Batman Returns");
// Make the content live
NewAsset with byte array
Creates a new asset from a byte array. Requires a valid filename with extension to be able to identify the asset type.
public Entry NewAsset(Stream bytes, string parentNodePath, string filename)
Type: byte[]
The file bytes.
Type: string
The path to the parent node where the asset should be created as a child.
Type: string
The filename of the asset including the file extension.
Throws an ArgumentException if the bytes are empty.
Throws an ArgumentException if the parentNodePath is not specified.
Throws an ArgumentException if the filename is null, empty or does not include a file extension.
using System.Net.Http;
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management;
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management.Workflow.Basic;
// Create a client
var client = ManagementClient.Create();
// Retrieve the relevant project
var movieDbProject = client.Projects.Get("moviedb");
// Get the files bytes from an images stored in a database
var bytes = new Repository().GetImageAsBytes(54321);
// Create a new image asset
var movieImage = movieDbProject.Entries.NewAsset(bytes,
@"\uploads\movie-posters", "Batman-returns.jpg");
// Set field data
movieImage.Set("title", "Batman Returns");
// Make the content live