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An asset is an extension of an entry, with pre-defined fields and additional properties containing details about the file they represent. An asset is an entry with a dataFormat value equal to asset, which allows them to be identified and queried independently to entries.



All assets have the following standard data fields.

titlestringThe title of the asset
descriptionstringThe description for the asset
keywordsstring […]An array of keyword assigned to the asset
thumbnailobjectAssetThe thumbnail link for the asset


In addition to the standard data fields, images have the following.

altTextstringThe default alt text defined for the image resource



All assets have the following default readonly properties.

filenamestringThe name of the actual file, with extension included
fileSizenumberintegerThe file size in bytes
fileIdstringGUIDThe file identifier


Extended properties are specific to a content type.


widthnumberintegerThe width of the image
heightnumberintegerThe height of the image



User-defined metadata set against assets in the Contensis navigation tree are available as values in the Metadata field, which is a child of the sys object. The items are keyed by their source metadata name converted to an api identifer, which removes any non-alphanumeric values and formats the value with camel-casing, e.g. Original.Url becomes originalUrl.

All user-defined metadata values are converted to strings Datetime values are rendered with the day, month and year parts in reverse order to allow ordering and greater than / less than conditions, e.g. "29-08-1978T03:40:27" becomes "1978-08-29T03:40:27"


In addition to the user-defined metadata, there are the following additional items that are included by default for each asset.

includeInSearchbooleanA flag to determine whether the asset should be included in searches
includeInAtoZbooleanA flag to determine whether the asset should be included in the A-Z control
includeInMenubooleanA flag to determine whether the asset should be included in navigation controls
includeInSitemapbooleanA flag to determine whether the asset should be included in the sitemap
nodeIdnumberintegerThe node id of the asset (Contensis Web API)

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