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The ComposedField type contains the data that the Composer editor defines. It is a read-only list of ComposedFieldItem instances, which expose a Type property and Value methods. The Value methods return the data for the field. The Type property is a name given to an allowed field type validation defined in the content type that the entry is based on.

An allowed field type is essentially any standard field (such as Image, Heading, Location, etc.) that restricts what types of field can be added to a ComposedField.

For example, an allowed field could be defined with a type of Heading and given a type name of "mainHeading" or with a type of Image and given a type name of "bannerImage". There can be multiple allowed fields based on the same type, but a ComposedField cannot contain other ComposedField fields.

The methods on the ComposedFieldItem enable the value of the field to be retrieved.


Returns the field item value as a dynamic object.


public dynamic Value(bool autoResolve = true)



Type: string
If set to true for a singular/list of entries, assets or images, it will automatically request the linked resource when invoked. A value of false should be specified if you only require the link properties such as Uri or contentTypeId and do not want the performance overhead of retrieving the entire resource. The default is true.


Complex objects will be returned as dynamic ExpandoObject instances.


// Get the ComposedField instance
var composed = film.Get<ComposedField>("synopsis");

// Get the first item value
dynamic quote = composed[0].Value();


Returns the field item value as T.


public T Value<T>()



The type to attempt to cast the field data to.


Type: string
If set to true for a singular/list of entries, assets or images, it will automatically request the linked resource when invoked. A value of false should be specified if you only require the link properties such as Uri or contentTypeId and do not want the performance overhead of retrieving the entire resource. The default is true.


For complex objects, if the type of T does not match the value type, then either a null value will be returned or an object of type T is returned with no property values.


// Get the ComposedField instance
var composed = film.Get<ComposedField>("synopsis");

// Get the first item value as a Quote object
var quote = composed[0].Value<Quote>();


The example below shows how a composed field with different field types can be rendered.

using Zengenti.Contensis.Delivery

// Create an api client
var client = ContensisClient.Create();

// Get an entry
var filmEntry = client.Entries.Get("1fdbdac6-a8fe-4a86-9c1a-42238fcb47f1");

// Get the synopsis field as a ComposedField type
var synopsis = filmEntry.Get<ComposedField>("synopsis");

    @foreach(ComposedFieldItem item in synopsis)
        // Loop through the ComposedFieldItems in the ComposedField and render the items
        if (item.Type == "mainHeading")

        if (item.Type == "subHeading")

        if (item.Type == "markup")

        if (item.Type == "quote")
            var filmQuote = item.Value<Quote>();

            <blockquote cite="@filmQuote.Source">

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